This is an interdisciplinary project, merging dance and design into one. This bag invites you to move and play with it, but also restricts you from certain movements. It's both about the flow and movement of the bag itself, as it is about the movements of the person interacting with it.
Let's Play! is a graduation project (2019) where multiple products were being shaped by experimenting and combining materials, techniques, colours, shapes and movement. All products are to play, move and dance with and have surprising neon lighted coloured effect.

This is an interdisciplinairy project where Dance and Design come together. This Bag will invite you to move and play with it but also hinder you from certain movements. It's about the dance and movement within the bag as with the person who dances.
This is an interdisciplinary project, merging dance and design into one. This bag invites you to move and play with it, but also restricts you from certain movements. It's both about the flow and movement of the bag itself, as it is about the movements of the person interacting with it.
This ceramic jug is a combination of earthenware and plastic. It creates an unusual and surprising effect of light, water and reflection.

These funky book covers are made from a different perspective. Instead of two-dimensional digital layers, they now reveal three-dimensional layers which are moveable and touchable; such as real liquid letters and Barbie hair.
These wearables are designed for a water-based future where floating is the new living.